
you're still breathing city girl, you're still breathing

I remember most of last year in streak form. That is to say that, for the most part, every image in my head is blurred by the fact that I was never standing still. I fell into the sophomore year curse. Freshman year went by with ease and entering my second year I was sure that, if I wanted to, I could take on more. So I took on more and more and more. By midway through second semester I was exhausted and things that I thought would be enjoyable experiences had become tasks. My moods shifted and I was ready to do nothing but leave.

Now I'm wiser (I think). I've dropped a lot of my responsibility, keeping only the ones I thoroughly enjoy and the ones no one else would take. I've also managed to only add one to my list, something I'm quite proud of. Especially since it's poetry related. Holla fo' poetry.

With this new found joy of collegiate free time, I've been able to become spontaneous again. Twice this week already I've made my way to Iowa City (the closest cultured area to my college's residence) and spent some time lounging around the energy that is the ped-mall.

I went on a retreat last weekend to a nature reserve-ish type retreat center. Most of my time there I spent wishing I was back around large groups of people so I could resume my study of human nature rather than observing nature's nature. I've acknowledged that I find people far more interesting than trees and fields. That isn't to say I don't appreciate the outdoors, I just find my heartbeat in that of city life.

However, I had some fantastic conversations while at Pictured Rocks (the place of stay for said retreat). There were paths to take away from the congregation of folks, and small groups of my friends and I would take them as far as we could from the noise of our contemporaries and find spots to just sit and share. It was renewing, fueling, needed and real.

I've grown a lot, and I continue growing.