
There's a Room Where the Light Won't Find You

I had a somewhat massive amount of dental work done a few days ago. By somewhat massive, of course, I mean three fillings. This caused my teeth to scream in reaction to the small bit of ice cream I just attempted to devour. Some may call me unintelligent for complaining about the pain that my teeth cause me while eating ice cream when they were only drilled into because of my assuredly overly sugary diet and my acknowledged poor dental hygiene. Trust me, I know this is my fault. I simply felt it was a good way to start of this post. By the way, I go in for two more fillings (yea, five total) on Tuesday. I brush twice daily now. And floss.

iTunes may be, in my opinion, the greatest invention of all time. Hear my out, I know there are a lot of Mac haters out there, but...it categorizes my music so efficiently! I love the ease with which I can travel from jazz to hip hop, create playlists (or allow the genius the program is to create one for me!), listen to podcasts (podcasts!), as well as purchase, for a fairly decent price, some rather hard to find albums. For a music whore such as myself, how could I not love this? Sure, it takes up a lot of RAM on my laptop since I'm not running it on a Mac, but it's so many eons past Windows Media Player that I don't see why I wouldn't prefer it. Also, it is the only thing that works with my iPod, which literally never leaves my side.

The Bad Plus have so thoroughly invaded my life that I can no longer run from it. I do not mind. I blame it on their covers, mainly of "(Them from) Chariots of Fire" and "Everybody Wants to Rule the World." As previously mentioned, and in all likelihood, previously known, music is one of my strongest passions. This results in me constantly having music stuck in my head. I hum it, I imagine the lyrics scribed onto my eyelids, I dissect every part of the song I can wrap my mind around. This usually results in a bit of deconstruction, leaving me with skeletal forms of songs masquerading through my synapses. This is what Bad Plus covers sound like to me. They take (usually) rock songs, and form them into jazz songs through what I can only imagine is days of menacing and acute tweaking and turning until the song can breathe again in its new form, while still existing as its original self.

I've noticed that I write this blog as though the people reading it are people I have never come into contact with in my life, when in reality the only people reading it are, probably, the people who know me best. I don't care, though. I have hopes that one day, many people who know nothing about me will become as addicted to this blog as I have become to, say, PaperGirl or Super Special Questions Blog. True, these blogs are owned by people who are, to an extent, in the public eye (a playwright/poet/actress and a musician/poet) and I am still a student, but I can dream, right? Is that egotistical of me? Probably.

By the way, Mr. or Ms. Reader, please do peruse the blogs listed to the right of this one. These are my friends and my drugs, the pages I turn to when I need to think about someone's life other than my own. These people tell their stories in unique, engrossing, and completely addictive ways. I literally cannot stop reading them.

Four more Vonnegut books to go, all four of which I have already ordered online and should be arriving shortly. Goal of 17 Vonnegut books has been achieved. Does it count as a goal if it's required for a course? Eh, don't rain on my parade.

The beard is making a comeback. Be prepared.


yours truly said...

i'm quite prepared for the beard.


Timmy Troubadour said...

god damn you and your beard. you shave it when i'm coming home and you start growing it the moment i leave.

Leta said...

Keri Smith. Dunno if you've heard of her, but I think it's stuff you'd like.

She has some good philosophies.

Leta said...

p.s. I have another blog (new and tasty!) -
Check it! I mean. If you want to.