
The Matador Is On Demand, I'm Going To Watch It.


I woke up this morning all congested. This is always a bad sign. Now, the abundant amount of time that I spent with my family over the last week, combined with the degree of sickliness that a couple members of my family were plagued by, has me thinking that I have contracted a cold. By my family, none the less.

Colds are aggravating. I say this in case anyone out there wasn't already aware of this. It hinders one's ability to speak, listen, breathe, as well as enjoy oneself.

I spent the entirety of today laying upon my couch watching football, something I find incredibly relaxing. That's right, essentially eight plus hours lying down, allowing the testosterone of the gridiron to compensate for the fact that I'm involved in theatre.

There are a few positives to the cold. One, if you're lucky enough to get sick while on winter break from your collegiate studies, your mother will take care of you. She even made me chili cheese dip. Two, you're supposed to drink a lot of fluids, giving me an excuse to down multiple glasses of water, apple cider, and orange juice that would normally get me yelled at. Gotta keep on the sunny side, right?

Over the past couple days I was privileged enough to go see both Sweeney Todd, as well as Juno. Both are phenomenal, and both deserve your immediate attention. Although, I wouldn't recommend them as a double feature. Juno has a remarkable soundtrack, and the wit alone make it worth the ticket price. I still want to see No Country for Old Men before break ends. Oh, and National Treasure II. The first one was great. I'm also finding myself incredibly excited for The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger's Joker is absolutely terrifying, which sparks my interest.

Soulja Boy is really starting to push my buttons.

I recently realized that I haven't left my house today. This depresses me.

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