I went to the Chicago-land area this last weekend with my friend, Chris. It was pretty sweet, I love that area. We stayed at his place, about forty-five minutes outside of the city. I'd like being closer, but who's going to argue free housing? We went and saw Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind. It's the third time I've seen the Neo-Futurist show and I am amazed every single time. I'm fairly sure that I'll be doing my student teaching in Chicago in a few years and I've tentatively decided that, if I can fit it in with student teaching, I'm going to try to join the Neo-Futurists. For those who don't know, they're a theatre troupe that do, among other things, Too Much Light. It's 30 plays in 60 minutes, all of which they write, rehearse, and perform every weekend. They write 2-12 new shows every week, so the show is always different. It would satisy so much of what I love in life, meaning writing and performing. They have this insane ability to drift between absolute hilarity and incredible meaning in mere moments. I love it, absolutely love it, and would love to make it a part of me.
The weekend was strange. As I said, I went with a friend of mine and his girlfriend. I hate watching a new relationship in bloom. Maybe that came out more cynical than I had intended, but I feel it's honest. Maybe it's because I think I see the difference between young love and actual, lifelong love now. Or, maybe it's because I'm a bit lonely and watching two people in constant contact with eachother does nothing but pull the bitterness out of me. I don't like being like that, and I don't want to be, but I am lately. I don't like dwelling on this, let's move on.
I read on Mike Doughty's blog (www.mikedoughty.com/blog) that Dan Wilson (former frontman of Semisonic) released his solo album yesterday. Being as easily led, and as much of a Dan Wilson fan as I am, I immediately bought it off of iTunes. It's gorgeous stuff. He's got such an honest, pure sound to everything he touches, I can't put it away.
I miss photography. I've decided that I'm going to carry my camera with me pretty much everywhere I go from now on, because, well, photography is fulfilling. I think I just miss art in general. I want to date an artist. If you're an artist, and you're interested, drop me a line.

I took these pictures almost a year ago now, but I've been looking at them a lot lately.
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